Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Need To Sleep

Yeah, it's almost 2am and I managed to finish an assignment ahead of schedule (though by not much). Next up, CS6241 project after some sleep.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Final Stretch

Okay, it is almost the final stretch of this semester. I have one more assignment, two projects and two exams to go. Praying hard that everything goes fine...

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

No Sleep

Finally, I managed to finish what I had set out to do this morning at 7. I had not slept during the night but managed to catch some ZZZ after that :)

Now I will start on the next part of my schedule. I need to consolidate my friend's part of the paper with mine to produce the first draft. Then I will move on to my other project...

Saturday, March 20, 2004


Another week has gone by, which means all my deadlines and exams are getting closer by the minute. Can I make it?

What have I done today so far? Managed to get Cygwin running but not the NS2 yet. Better get it up and running by the end of the day. Writing the introduction of my project paper before working on my assignment...

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Depressed and Demoralized

I am feeling very depressed and demoralized right now... My course module's project sucks big time and I have not a clue as to how to continue with it. Oh dear!! Will I get to see the light at the end of the tunnel this time???

Saturday, March 6, 2004

Old Friends' Wedding

Just came back from the wedding dinner whereby the couple having been my friends for more than 10 years. Met a few other friends that I missed very much after so many years without contacting each other.

A wedding is such a joyous event and I am happy for the newly-weds but yet I am feeling a bit sad, a sense of apprehension that time really flies. It seems like yesterday that we were singing without a care on the same island 10 years ago. The feeling of being old is all the more obvious with friends around me getting married and having little ones. All of a sudden, a sense of loneliness seems to have crept into my heart...

Friday, March 5, 2004


I have gotten a not-too-bad grade for one of my mid-term papers but I am sure the other one sucks :)

Tomorrow is a friend's wedding. At Sentosa... a rather expensive affair I presume. Gotta spend a Saturday away from bed again :p

Oops, forgot to give a senior of mine a call again. Too late for today. Hope I can remember on Sunday...