
This place is still very much under construction. Update will be slow as I have other projects to work on.

Important Note:

This page is been moved from my Google Pages as Google is shutting down the Pages service and migrating to the Sites service. The message written below is directly transplanted from the original webpage as I am too lazy to write a new one.

Welcome to my humble abode:

Before Google Pages, it's not easy to create an on-line presence. I remember I had to create my web pages using a plain text editor, keying in the HTML tags manually. Then it was all about finding a place to host my web pages and more often than usual, the places I got are either limited in space and bandwidth or expensive to maintain. I even had my ISP folded on me, leaving me space-less. Later in time saw me using a couple of free web hosts but the intrusive ads displayed on top of my web pages finally took my nerves.

Now all these troubles are practically non-existent. Creating a website is just a few clicks of the mouse and typing. Even a sophisticated web application such as a Content Management System is readily downloadable and installation a breeze.

Anyway, over all these years, I have left quite a trail, with my web pages and files all over the virtual space. Thus I need a place to consolidate them. Don't think I will move everything to here though. Too much work for a lazy person like me. So this site is going to be more of a map or directory to pages I have. Hence you will not see any consistencies in the design of the web pages.