Monday, July 31, 2006









-- 取自

Friday, July 28, 2006

What a tiring...

...and frustrating time the past two weeks had been. I had been trying to set up a testing environment similar to that of a client. But no matter how many times I install the client's software and test packages, or how I tried to mimic the configuration of the client's, even close to the point of transplanting everything, just short of taking over the client's computers. I already don't know what else I can do now. So disheartening and feel like giving up. But I don't want to give up...

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Read off a bottle:
This varietal wine grows very well in Southern France. Its taste is fruity, its suppleness and its delicate bouquet make a very pleasant and enjoyable wine to drink.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest

Just came back from watching this movie and what a movie. Definitely a blockbuster to me. Action-packed swashbuckling at its best. You still get Captain Jack Sparrow and the cursed ship The Black Pearl. And this time round, you also get the legend of the famous ghost ship The Flying Dutchman and its captain Davey Jones. If you think the special effects are excellent in the first installment, then you won't be disappointed in this installment. I simply love Johnny Depp, with his usual portrayal of strange characters. Captain Jack really comes alive because of him, giving the movie a soul. Really can't wait to see the third installment...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I have received a phishing email yesterday and I nearly clicked on the link masquarading as a Citibank site. Thank goodness suspicion hit me and I checked the URL. It was close and phishing emails are really dangerous. Then this got me thinking. Isn't there a way that we can make the browser protect us? Can we have a warning system of sort?

I am reading this paper titled The Battle Against Phishing: Dynamic Security Skins and it gives me some ideas as to how to design a security alert system. However, nothing concrete yet. I am wondering whether it is possible to have 1) a standalone Firefox extension without any server change, or 2) a client-server alert generated on the webpage itself.

Extra: Red wine goes well with CSI...

Monday, July 10, 2006

What a letdown!

Le Bleus has fallen, and they have fallen in a bitter manner. What was Zidane thinking? I don't know what insult the Italian player had thrown at him but I am sure it must had been something extremely awful, judging from the reaction. However, it still doesn't warrant a violent action which is out of plain stupidity. Eight more minutes and he could have shown that Italian who's boss by winning...

Saturday, July 8, 2006

Can English has simpler spelling?

What if the English we know today undergoes a revolutionary reform? Whut if we all rite like this and spel wurdz the wae thae sound? Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about the shorthands we used in actual abbreviations, SMSes and emails. I am talking about spelling English words phonetically. Allow me to point you to this interesting article by, "Puush for simpler speling perzists".

Note: You may get a headache reading that article but you will applaud the effort the writer put in to use a totally new spelling system for a third of the article.

Friday, July 7, 2006

Ghost Whisperer

Just watched the new series starring Jennifer Love Hewitt. It was not bad and I kinda like it. The story was heart-warming and the pace not too slow. Not too scary too, at least not many of those scenes where the director would try to shock you. And unlike the series Lost, I actually can follow the story here and am not lost. Anyone can give me a summary of what was going on in Lost 2?

Don't forget to catch the movie 'Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl' on Channel 5 this Sunday before going to the cinema to catch 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest'.