Wednesday, October 31, 2007

JLPT 4 Revision - Classroom Lingo

Attached are some of the common phrases that are used in the classroom:

Thursday, October 25, 2007

JLPT 4 Revision - Vocabulary (II)

If you are aspiring to be a Japanese-speaking Hannibal Lector, then the following body parts' terms are must-learns:

Sunday, October 21, 2007

JLPT 4 Revision - Greetings

おはようございます。Good morning. 

こんにちは。Good afternoon/day.

こんばんは。Good evening.

おやすみなさい。Sleep well.



ありがとうございます。Thank you very much.

どういたしまして。You are welcomed.

しつれいします。Sorry for disturbing you.

しつれいしました。Sorry for having to disturb you.

きりつ。れい。ちゃくせき。Stand. Bow. Sit down.

いただきます。I am going to eat.

ごちそうさまでした。I have finished eating.

いってきます。I am going off.

いってらっしゃい。Walk slowly.

ただいま。I am back.

おかえりなさい。Welcome back.


御免ください。Excuse me? (Use when knocking on door)

Xさんはいらっしゃいますか。Is Mr. X home?

どちら様でしょうか。Who is it?

お邪魔します。Sorry to disturb.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

JLPT 4 Revision - Particles (I)

The following is a summary of the particles I have learned:

Updated April 25, 2011:
I have found a Japanese Particles [Cheatsheet] that summarises most of them.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sweety 《彩虹眼泪》

I have found the music video of one of my all-time favourite songs. Watch it here and sing along with the lyrics below. (Feb 12, 2011: Video removed. Use music player below. Apr 13, 2016: Replaced with new video.)

彩虹眼淚 - SWEETY

     他總是不了解 我那些假裝的無所謂
     關於那些是是非非 愛的疲憊 又有誰能陪
     我總不夠堅決 才會在愛裡面繞圈圈
     我學得會 口是心非不要流淚 哦

   *天上的眼淚 他好像懂我的心碎
     我們應該要了解 傷了心有種愛的美 哦
     天上的彩虹 總出現在天晴雨過
     就算我覺得難過 你會在我身邊守候

     妳總是不自覺 才會在愛裡面繞圈圈
     讓他去飛 留過淚水才能學會 哦

     重唱 *

     擦乾了成長的淚水 搭上了幸福的地鐵
     遠方有個聲音 那一定會是你

     重唱 *