Monday, April 21, 2008

Shoes with mirrors on them...

Before you start calling me a pervert, I want to disclaim that I do not own such shoes or have ever used such shoes before, even though I am quite a pervert I admit :p

Okay, now for what I saw today on the MRT. No, it's not a guy I caught using such shoes to do upskirt peeping but a teenage girl wearing a pair. I don't know whether she realise her shoes are being a godsend to guys around her and a nightmare to the ladies beside her. (She herself was wearing jeans so not affecting her.)

So here comes my question. Am I breaking the law if I happen to see something from the mirrors? I know it's morally incorrect but is it illegal?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A disaster simulation game from the UN/ISDR

I came across this online game some time back called "Stop Disasters!" by the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction that educates people on preparing against natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods. Besides the game, the website is full of information on spotting the signs of a disaster, how to be prepared as a community for it, what to do when it strikes, and how to manage after it strikes, etc.