Monday, May 19, 2014

Why isn't Singapore govt giving local developers a chance?

Sent the following letter to Reach Singapore and Today Online in hope that it can make a difference, though I doubt I would even get a proper response...

Dear Reach and Today,

I am writing in review of the blog post "NDP Website an Embarrassment" by Lai Zit Seng.

It is disappointing to learn that the government, in order to save cost, has resorted to letting a third world country to work on something that Singaporeans should be proud of working on. Outsourcing should only be done by private companies but it is a shame that our own public sector has no loyalty to Singaporeans.

It is no wonder that software developers and engineers have pay that do not reflect their value here and are either leaving or not entering into computing related fields. Even our own government is not valuing local IT people and giving its citizens a chance to develop.

Furthermore, the website owners do not even bother to conduct audits and checks to ensure that the website has no potential security and information leak risks. The programming does not adhere to the latest web development standard too. It really does not bode well for Singapore's reputation of having high standards in work.

Hopefully the personnel involved in future public projects does not made such an embarrassment again.