Saturday, January 31, 2004


I went to an ex-colleague's home today to meet up with some of the friends I knew while I was working. It's nice to have a gathering of this sort to catch up with one another. Too bad not all the people I want to see were there. Wish all of them the best in whatever they do and hopefully we can see each other again soon. Thanx for everything.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Thursday, January 29, 2004

After CNY break

Well, a new week of lectures and tutorial started after the Chinese New Year break. I am completely drained of energy and have yet to recover. Now I am having problems concentrating in class. Hope I can get through this week...

Friday, January 23, 2004

Tiring Chinese New Year

Oh...spending the Chinese New Year is one hell of a tiring affair. Visiting people whom you have not met for a whole year and entertaining each other can be very physically draining. The more difficult problem arises when all the necessary courtesy is exchanged and all the updates are complete. There are simply no more topics to talk about. Or rather, I can't think of any suitable subjects that you won't make a mistake in giving an inappropriate remark.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Chinese New Year's Eve

It's new year's eve and I actually woke up at close to noon :p

I was up till dawn doing some reading but if you ask me what I read and how much I absorbed, I can't give you a definite answer. This is what I called 'time wasted'. Well, the next two days will be hectic and away from home most of the time. I guess there goes my plan of studying for my assignment due soon. I have yet to nail down the area and scope of my mini project too.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Three more days to Chinese New Year

Let me wish all the readers of this page a Happy Chinese New Year! As all my classes fall on the two new year holidays, I don't have to go to school this week. I am very happy to have such a long break but I hate to think of all the make-up lectures possibly being arranged into the same week as the other lectures. Anyway, I will make use of the break to do more reading.

Friday, January 16, 2004

My Computer

Alright, my computer is back in business. Well, at least partially as I am still in the midst of installing a lot of stuff. One of the Windows patch doesn't seem to be updating... Hopefully I can get everything I need to be working properly over the weekend.

Oh, one more event I should have wrote down if not for my computer being down (relax, not with SARS though). The top 3 choices of my module selection has been allocated and I will be reading them.

Monday, January 12, 2004

No Luck

Luck doesn't seemed to be on my side these few days. I tried to upgrade my own computer with the old parts my brother salvaged from his PC as well as other old computers but a problem was encountered which I have no solution for.

When I finished the installation process for Windows 2000, it refuse to boot. My guess is that the motherboard or its settings are not compatible with the OS but I can't figure out what is wrong. What am I suppose to do right now?

Friday, January 9, 2004

Module Selection

One more introductory lecture to go before having to finalise my decision on the modules to take. So far my initial rank-list of modules still stand. As for the contention of whether to take CS6241 or CS5233, I will let Heavens decide. According to the statistics, CS6241 may not have enough students to start the class. If that is the case, CS5233 will automatically be my last module.

I think I better go and pray that Heavens make the right decision and give me the module most-suited.

Monday, January 5, 2004

New School Term

School opens officially today with a whole bunch of introductory lectures. The lectures are meant for us to select our modules we want to study for this semester and boy am I lost. I really don't know which modules to choose. The ones that I am interested looks very tough and I am not confident of passing while the ones that are reputated to be easy don't appeal to me :(

I have always been interested in studying computer graphics but the module offered looks to be out of my league. Should I sacrifice my love for a module which is of a more suitable difficulty? Oh well, I have up to the 11th to decide so let's hope that some divine interventions come in time to help me decide :p

For now, all I can say is that one module did attract me somewhat and it is definitely in the contention for one of the three modules I need :)

Thursday, January 1, 2004

New Year's Resolutions

I still don't get it. I still don't understand what's the deal in writing a online journal or blog. I had tried to keep a diary a long time ago but gave up in a very short time. I just don't have the heart to open up and put down my feelings or opinions in words. Well, at least not publicly...

Then why the hell am I writing this? For one, my friend told me that it is a good way to maintain my English writing skills (not that I have a high level of skill to maintain in the first place). Anyway, I intend to give this journal-writing thingy a final shot and see how long I can last before I am defeated. Maybe I can put this down as one of my New Year's resolutions...

Before I continue with this entry and list my New Year's resolutions, allow me to do a re-cap of last year. The most important thing that had happened must be my decision to quit a stable and rather
well-paid job to go back to school. Now I am a post-grad student in the School of Computing in the National University of Singapore, just managed to scrap through my first semester. Hope I can do much better in the coming semester...

Now for my New Year's resolutions:

  • No more C+ or anything less in my result slip.
  • See this online journal through the year.

  • Oops, can't think of any other resolutions liao...