Friday, April 29, 2005

Sunday, April 24, 2005

A Nice Dinner...

A bunch of us met up for dinner at The Rice Table restaurant yesterday. It was a nice little dinner with tasty food. I have never tried Indonesian cuisine before so I don't know how good I can rank this restaurant. Can anyone who have tried other Indonesian restaurants care to share with me any other must-go places and dishes? Anyway, I like what I ate yesterday;

Friday, April 15, 2005

War of Words

Have you ever been in a war of words with anyone using emails or mailing list posts? I just did yesterday and it wasn't any less uncomfortable and regretful than doing it face-to-face. Anyway, I needed to have the war as I was defending myself against some accusations that I felt was unfair to me. However, the cause doesn't made the consequence any less unpleasant to the mind. What a crummy way to start the weekend. Ay... it really hurts to have someone you thought you can turn to for advice to abandon you first and then turn around and stab you in the back;

Friday, April 8, 2005

Words Extracted From A Tired Mind

The weekend is here, for the rest I badly need;
But sleep is not near, for a book I wanna read.
From the library I picked, fantasy world waiting;
To Midkemia I seeked, no imagination lacking.
Unfortunately till now, temptations aplenty;
All sorts of programs, on the web and TV.
By the time everything is finished and done;
I would be in bed snoring sound.

Monday, April 4, 2005

New Blog Name

I have made my decision..."Semicolon;" is the new blog name; though I still love the old name "Words Extracted From A Tired Mind", it is just a bit too long; however, it will make a good title for a future post; sounds like a title for a poem too...

As for "The AntGoddess Worshipper" belongs more to a shrine than a blog; I have no intention of turning this into a shrine...maybe creating a new webpage with the title;

Sunday, April 3, 2005

Too Long A Title...

It has only been two days since I have put up this blog and I have already felt that the title of this blog is a tad too I intend to change it to a shorter one; I currently have two candidates for the new blog title..."Semicolon;" and "The AntGoddess Worshipper";

Why "Semicolon;"...a semicolon partition a sentence having two stops a sentence after explaining an idea, indicating the start of another; Use here as a title, it symbolizes that this blog will keep having new posts...representing a lively blog; Besides, the semicolon is also used in computer programming languages like C and Java to end a line of I type it quite a lot;

Why "The AntGoddess Worshipper"...AntGoddess is one of my friends' nick...she exudes elegance, intelligence, and confidence...that is my impression of her anyway; and I like such traits in a person...hence my Y!M status line "I am a little Ant worshipping my Goddess..." - Wind Fox; too bad I already have a nick known to my friends, or I may change my nick to "The AntGoddess Worshipper";

Saturday, April 2, 2005

Hmm...1st Post...

Wow, even friendster provides blog service too... ...oh well, never good at coming up with nice web pages so this may be a good place for me to just throw my tired mind without having to worry about how it is going to be organized... ...that is if you can organize a dysfunctional mind as well... color, suits my pic;

Yesterday was April Fool's Day... pranks, that's good... work environment so better not play a fool; that's all for my 1st post...;