Saturday, May 28, 2005

Beware of phishing sites!

Phishing: the act of attempting to fraudulently acquire through deception sensitive personal information such as passwords and credit card details by masquerading in an official-looking email, IM, etc. as someone trustworthy with a real need for such information. []

Phishing is one of the major internet threats now. It is a serious problem that seems to get more serious by the day. Phishing sites are popping up as I am writing this. So allow me to introduce you to the Netcraft Anti-Phishing Toolbar. It consists of a user interface implemented as a toolbar and central servers, able to respond quickly to large numbers of requests as each user moves around the web. The central servers are managed by Netcraft and hold the information about URLs and sites provided by the the Toolbar community and Netcraft. It is available for both IE and FireFox. Download here;

Monday, May 23, 2005

Spreading FireFox...

I confessed. I am a fan of FireFox and the FunnyFox ads. I was reading about how popular the FunnyFox ads have been, how they have created more awareness about FireFox as well as pushing the idea of having a mainstream commercial. This has set me thinking and a crazy commercial idea popped into my mind. I thought it will be fun to share them here and who knows, maybe someone can turn them into reality.

Idea: A National Geographic-styled documentary having the camera on a Steve Irwin-styled naturalist screaming "I think I saw a wonderful creature just ran into the woods!" Then he will chase after the creature (incidentally a brown fox) into the woods. Upon a clearing in the woods, the camera will zoom in on the fox lying down on the ground, forming the FireFox logo...

Friday, May 20, 2005

My old blog...

Only now do I notice that my old blog which I have discontinued is still online, though I have only an inconspicuous link pointing to it;

Monday, May 16, 2005

I have gotten a new book...

To continue with my "occassional" spending on reading materials, I have bought The Rule of Four by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. It has been highly recommended on book review sites and branded as a work better than Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. I have read the latter quite a while back but I love it so much that most details in the story are still fresh in my mind. I just hope The Rule of Four lives up to its name. I will give a small review of my own once I am finished with it. Watch this space;

Saturday, May 7, 2005

