Wednesday, November 30, 2005

What constitute happiness at work?

I often came across this question, most of the time asked by myself. Finally, I am able to come up with a pseudo-formula I am satisfied with. It's a bit hard to explain in words so I have drawn the following diagram to answer those who asked this question.

Work Happiness = People + Environment + Job Scope

People: basically refers to colleagues and supervisors here;
Environment/Location: the morale and spirit in the office as well as physical distance and place;
Job Scope/Work Nature: concern learning opportunities and exposure to new knowledge;

Well, you must have by now called me a hypocrite or something. I know, there is no mention of the "most important" component called "money" in my diagram. Don't worry, I didn't forget it. I just feel that its importance pales when compares to the above three after a certain point.

Money is the ultimate criteria when it's at the amount you need to survive. I still need to pay for my bills and loans so I won't want to work if my job can't pays for them. However, I don't believe there is a high enough amount of money that can compensate for the lack of any, and definitely not all, of the three components.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Friday, November 25, 2005

Men & Women

I was told today that men and women are really different. (And you will think you know all the differences. Yah right...)

What men need:
- To feel accepted
- To feel admired
- To feel appreciated
- To feel approved of
- To feel trusted

What women need:
- To feel validated
- To feel respected
- To feel understood
- To feel reassured
- To feel cared about

So do you know how to deal with them personally and professionally now?

Monday, November 21, 2005

[網上所閱] 紅顔 & 知己






為你的喜悅歡歌笑語 為你的憂傷迷離
給一份溫暖一份慰籍 一份愛心一份情意



Saturday, November 19, 2005

[Advertisement] My Best Friend's Blog

Dearest <hidden name>,

Finally you have got your blog up. Congratz. I have to say that the content you have there is amazing. Very thought provoking and I can get to learn more of you as well as questioning myself on the same issues.


"Breaking Through Limitations" with John Kanary

I attended the above-titled talk organized by NACLI, John Kanary International, and The Educated Mind. I am usually (and still am) very skeptical about such motivational talks but this particular on was rather interesting. I have to agree to most of what was presented in it though I have reservations on a couple of Kanary's ideas that conflicted with my personal principles and beliefs.

This talk is about how we are who we are because of our own beliefs. Each of us has infinite potential to succeed in whatever we want to do but are often restricted by our own beliefs. We all have both a conscious mind and a sub-conscious mind. We are fed ideas, expectations, experiences, and teachings into our counscious mind, forming paradigms. These paradigms eventually get into our sub-conscious mind as beliefs. It is some of these old paradigms and beliefs that are holding most people back from doing want they want and can do.
I took home with me a few sentences which I want to share:

    "To do more, remove the obstacles in your mind."
    "As you accept a thought, it is impressed upon the second part of your personality."
    "Nothing needs to happen for you to be happy."
    "Don't let doubt be a reflection of yourself."
    "...stop minimizing what we can accomplish and to stop believing that others have something we have not."

However, I also want to point out the differing views I have with some of Kanary's (John vs Me):
- beliefs vs abilities
- wants vs purposes
- monetary/material gains and success vs spiritual happiness and ease of living
- high(er) expectations vs self-contentment
- limitations vs responsibilities

So what do I want? Happiness in a simple peaceful life with freedom to pursue knowledge. Can Kanary help me? Yes to a certain extent but I am the only one who can make the decision to control my life. The decision that will be based on my morals, values, principles, and priorities. Will I break my beliefs? Maybe yes, maybe no...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop

Finally, the big corporations of the IT world have come together to help M.I.T. and the U.N. in giving something good to the people of some of the poorest nations in the world. Children in extreme poverty can now get an opportunity to use modern technologies to learn and improve their lives. Read about this wonderful initiative in this CNET report or go to the M.I.T. website.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Have you ever wonder...

about the things that nobody seems to bother to wonder? For example, have you ever wonder about the person behind the voice of the announcements played in the MRT and at the station? I thought I hear the voice of a radio newscaster but I may be wrong;

Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Birthday Francine!!

EarthLink IPv6 in the Home

The Linksys WRT54G router has a firmware built using Linux components (unannounced of course). Now the OS community has caused Linksys to open its firmware source code. A result of this is that a whole new list of firmware supporting various new functions and features has been written for the public. Now your WRT54G can be updated to have the functions and features comparable to a Cisco router. One such feature is the support for IPv6 and the reference link I provided below offers one such firmware for download.