Saturday, December 31, 2005


It's the last day of the year and it's time for me to reflect on what I have done in the past year. I will try to count any good deeds I performed, mistakes I made, sins I committed, etc... So far, I cannot remember any good deeds or having any grave sins to atone for, but mistakes I am sure there are aplenty. A wrongly spoken word here and an undesirable action there have made my 2005 worse than the previous year. I want to apologize to those people whom I have offended one way or another. Let us place aside any misgivings and restart on a different footing. Let's do the countdown - "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0!" and sing the Auld Lang Syne...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

On this day of making merry, let's wish the whole world happy.
May peace blanket this earth, covering everyone with love and warmth.

Saturday, December 24, 2005




Friday, December 23, 2005


最近雖然有很多工作,但都沒有心情去做,already in holiday mood   :P

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Lost Connections

I was clicking around the Yahoo! Singapore website late yesterday night when I came across a section in the Message Boards called Lost Connections. (Yes, there are interesting stuff in the Yahoo! website. It's up to you to click around and find the one you like.) This section is for people to post messages looking for friends or relatives that they have lost contact with. Then I got thinking whether I have anyone I wish to locate and yes indeed I do. Hence I posted a message looking for two people that have left their marks in the very early years of my life.

Sometimes this is how things happen. A person can come into your life, make a difference to you, but then leave your life as quickly as he/she has came. There are many people who really have shaped and are shaping my life. I truly love them and appreciate their presence, and will always treasure your kindness. They are you my friends. Though I may not get to meet you often or at all now, you are definitely not far from my mind. Friendships...

Anyway, the two people I am looking for now are just the first two in a long list.

Ms Lim Ah Ewe, thank you very much for nursing me back to health after my major surgery in 1994 at the National University Hospital (NUH). I have tried looking for you again at the hospital but you have left for quite some time. Please contact me at if you happen to see this message.

Yang Jiayi was a classmate I had in primary school back in 1984. Though I don't remember we having spend time together or talk much, a small gesture you did made me realise something. The small smurf toy you gave me made me understand that being on a wheelchair should never be an obstacle or excuse for making friends. I don't think you will remember me but still hope you can contact me at too.

Hahaha... it's the end of the year and I always tend to go into such reflective mood around this time;

Friday, December 9, 2005

Two Special Linux Distributions

I will like to introduce two special linux distributions that I came across a couple of days ago. They are special because they are created to target small objectives. The first targets small computers while the second targets small people.

The first linux distribution is called Damn Small Linux, a.k.a DSL, and it must be one of the smallest linux distribution around, weighing in at 50MB only. It targets small computers and other computing devices. Given its small size, it can boot from a business card CD as a live linux distribution (LiveCD), a USB pen drive, and within Windows. So now you can carry around an operating system easily and not be afraid of using a non-personal computer away from home. Most importantly, you don't have to use Windows anymore if you dread to.

PS: This post is written using DSL.

The second linux distribution is called Edubuntu - Linux for Young Human Beings. It targets small people - kids between the age of 5 to 12 (adults are of course welcomed to use together). It basically is for school children to use in a classroom setting and at home. It is filled with applications which a school-going child can use to learn, do his/her homework, manage his/her time, and have fun. I certainly hope that such initiative for the benefit of children can continue and that more schools, teachers, and parents can help spread it around. I wish I can find people to help start a sort of community service to showcase edubuntu...

PS: A nice review of Edubuntu available here.

Saturday, December 3, 2005

Unbelievably Disappointed

It is definitely unbelievable. How can someone older than me be so immature? Though we have never met before, having only interacted (a verbal fight actually) online, I still find it hard to believe that both of us came from the same school (abeit many years apart). She actually stops my posting from appearing in the Yahoo! Group. Never know that she can be so petty. If anyone should be angry, it should have be me. I have already left much of the unhappiness and misgivings she caused me behind such that I thought I can work with the group again. But now for this to happen, I am really disappointed. How scary a person's character can be...