Saturday, August 19, 2006

At the Esplanade

I am writing this (on paper of course) as I am sitting by the bay, looking at a bunch of students taking photos in their graduation gowns. On my right are the two durian-like Esplanade theatres, and on my distant left is the Merlion. With the setting sun in my eyes and a cooling breeze on my back, I squint to have a view of the bay. It is actually quite beautiful. Reminds me of the time I was at the Sydney Opera House but you may beg to differ.

A band is performing while I am writing. Music fills the air accompanies by sweet singing. Tourists are busying surrounding the Merlion with their cameras. Water taxis come and go, ferrying their loads. All of a sudden, I am at peace, forgetting the stress of everyday life. Too bad I don't have a camera with me to capture the memory. Singaporeans should learn to know how they can appreciate the nice places the country has instead of complaining about no where to go; to learn that you don't have to go far to enjoy a stress relieving day, watching free performances.

Oh well, my friends are late for our dinner gathering. I'm going to call them and blast the hell out of them. Just kidding. They are nice people whose company I enjoy anytime anywhere...

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Happy Birthday Singapore!

41 years of building and we are still going strong. Who could have thought that a tiny place like this can go on and on like a Duracell battery? Yes, Singapore is a place far from perfection, with a recent study indicating that Singaporeans are one of the most unhappy population in the world. However, there are still many little things to like about this place, although we tend to focus more on the things we dislike. Through most eyes, we are strange and uninteresting. But I say if you look from a different angle, Singapore does have a side which will endear you. May Heavens bless this country and its people always.

Now if only we can change the ways our government think and function...

Tuesday, August 1, 2006


Read off a bottle:
A well-balanced, fruity red wine produced from the blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot in South of France. It is perfect accompaniment to white and red meats and pastas.