Saturday, March 31, 2007

Taipei - Day 4

I was wrong. My mum still managed to do some last minute shopping. Last chance to grab anything that fancy the eyes. Actually, items here are generally not any cheaper than in Singapore. Food and transport are definitely much cheaper. Electronic goods are on par with Singapore and apparel can be pricier. Books are definitely more expensive.

Some stuff which we used to receive from friends who came back from holidays in Taiwan, such as Muah Chee, are surprisingly hard to find in Taipei. We finally managed to get some at the airport's duty free shops.

Touchdown... (Home Sweet Home!)

Stupid me! I only discovered how to use the video recording function of my phone during my last day in Taipei. And I have so much storage capacity which I didn't use :(
The links to the few videos I made before I left are as follow:

Friday, March 30, 2007

Taipei - Day 3

The "Gu Gong Bo Wu Guan" (loosely-translated: Old Palace Museum) is huge. We have managed to finish browsing at most 80% of the exhibits before we have to go. My brother is not feeling well so we cut short our visit to the museum. Thus we don't get to take pictures to show that we have been there.

I am not feeling so well too. Must be either the food we ate yesterday or the water we took at the hotel. The water may not be suitable for us to get used to yet. What we ate must be conflicting with each other as well in our stomach.

Managed to buy some gifts for people at home and work. Nothing much as we can't really carry much stuff. And I really am too poof to walk and shop any further. (Backside pains from the wheelchair going over uneven roads...) Got lost for a second time while walking back to the hotel.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Taipei - Day 2

Bought tickets to Taipei 101. Amazing view of the city, a city so huge that I don't get to see the boundary of it even so high up.

Just finished touring the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial. There is quite a large amount of information about this great man that any historian will definitely love to study.

After visiting the 'Ball' mall, we are now walking leisurely in the compound of the Chiang Kai-Shek Official Residence. Given the age and size of the place, one can imagine how extravagant the president was with respect to his citizens. It is now like a botanical garden for everyone to visit.

Shi Ling Night Market - too trendy for me :p
Got to meet up with a friend I know only online. Too bad she had to rush back to work overtime.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Taipei - Day 1

Just finished breakfast and am watching the movie "Night At The Museum"... on board SQ872.

Hotel is really what I was expecting -- simply basic. Time to explore the surroundings.

Okay, we have wandered way too far from our hotel and none of us had in the right mind to bring the city map out. The map was lying on my bed. Thank goodness the hotel's calling card contains a small map of the surrounding roads. Now drinking Assam Milk Tea at the 7-11...

Just came back from a food tasting journey at a nearby night market, Hua Xi Night Market. So much food, so small my stomach. Oh well, the famous Shi Ling Night Market tomorrow...

Eat but be mindful that finding a public toilet may not be easy. We haven't seen one in the night market while one my mum found was well-hidden in an office building.

The guide that brought us to our hotel was lousy. His jokes were bland and wasn't much help to me on a wheelchair.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Going for a short vacation trip!

Yes, the time has arrived. I will be going on a holiday with my family tomorrow. A 4-day trip to Taipei, Taiwan... Will write about the things I see when I get back;

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I have just watched this movie and oh boy, how unique the cinematography is! Sensual and sexual; bloody with gore; stylish yet raw. Plenty of up-close shots of the characters' faces. Fighting is very MTV-like. The use of extreme contrast: perfect human body vs deformed monsters to represent the mentality of good vs evil; freedom vs slavery; nobility vs sin. East vs West? The ending speech however is rather redundant in length, reminds me of a certain superpower's presidential speech... sounds a bit like propaganda?

If the warrior culture and fighting abilities of the Spartans are anything like those portrayed in the movie, then I can now understand why my history teacher said that Europe till even after the 2nd World War, was fearful of the rise of Macedonia, the rumored descendants of the Spartans. (If I remember my history lesson correctly that is...)

Friday, March 9, 2007

Mahjong Tournament Not Able To Be Staged!!!

Aiyo... why like dat? Just because a dodo complained to three newspapers, the police has decided not to give out permit for the Yishun Community Club to hold the tournament! This is stupid. Exposure brings knowledge, knowledge brings power; the power to better prepare oneself against doing anything stupid or being easily influenced by others. Besides, mahjong is a more strategy-needed game than poker and yet the world poker tournament is held here! I say this is bias. To the person who complained, I say you go play the game first; know the game and you will see the beauty of it and not be blinded by one-sided reports and hearsays.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

International Women’s Day

A tribute to all mothers, aunts, sisters, wives, girlfriends, confidantes, mistresses, etc;

Thursday, March 1, 2007

2 years have gone by...

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my being in this company and damn, I lost my eye candy yesterday. What a way to "de-celebrate". Anyway, I still believe one should not stay in one place for more than three years lest one gets mentally stagnant (unless you really have new things to learn), so I shall start planning what I want to do from now on. So what shall I do when there are so much I want to do:

1. Pursue a path in academic, perhaps in another field of study?
2. Start a small business, Food-For-Thought maybe?
3. Work in a different environment or a different scope?