Friday, March 30, 2007

Taipei - Day 3

The "Gu Gong Bo Wu Guan" (loosely-translated: Old Palace Museum) is huge. We have managed to finish browsing at most 80% of the exhibits before we have to go. My brother is not feeling well so we cut short our visit to the museum. Thus we don't get to take pictures to show that we have been there.

I am not feeling so well too. Must be either the food we ate yesterday or the water we took at the hotel. The water may not be suitable for us to get used to yet. What we ate must be conflicting with each other as well in our stomach.

Managed to buy some gifts for people at home and work. Nothing much as we can't really carry much stuff. And I really am too poof to walk and shop any further. (Backside pains from the wheelchair going over uneven roads...) Got lost for a second time while walking back to the hotel.