Thursday, November 29, 2007

Congratulations Keith & Mei Chan

Wishing you a blessed marriage with happiness till a ripe old age. The banquet was really very extravagant. The food was one of the best I have taken. Thank you for inviting me to share your big day. Sorry for not staying till the very end as it was late.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

JLPT 4 Revision - Question Words (5W1H)

Note: The original post in friendster blog has its image removed by the system hence I tried my best to recreate the content with whatever materials I have.

どれ = which
どこ = where
どちら = which (direction)
どの = which (item)
どんな = what (type)
どんなに = however
どう = how
何 = what
誰/どなた = who

なんの + noun = what kind of item
どうですか = how you feel
どうverbますか = how to do
どうしますか = what to do

何も + negative
何でも + positive
誰にも + negative
誰でも + positive
どこ[へ/に]も + negative
どこでも + positive

なにじん(何人)= which country's person
なんいん(何人)= how many people

Monday, November 26, 2007

I have gotten myself a MacBook!

I have yet to familiarize myself with the user interface as well as explore its functions. So far I am rather comfortable using it though I still keep trying to type certain keystrokes that are either no longer there or have been mapped differently.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Orchard Road Christmas Lights

I went with a friend to look at the Christmas Lights of Orchard Road earlier and I think this year's lights are better than last year's. I have taken some photos using my mobile phone which I have posted in an album here. Sorry that they don't really turn up well as I am not really good at taking pictures. I also tried to capture the first lighting up of the Christmas Lights scheduled at 7pm but it didn't happen on time. I asked the
worker at the spot and he said it should happen at 7:30pm. My friend tried again but it didn't happen on time again. Just as the camera was lowered due to tiredness of her arms, the lights came on. So now I've only got a world's most boring video of a temporary lighting up of the words "Merry Christmas" to show for.

I have taken two other videos of some of the moving displays I had seen there:

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My personal computer is down :(

The illness my computer contracted when I tried to do a system update about a fortnight ago is more serious than I thought. At first I thought it was only the power supply unit (PSU) that had fried. Now it seems that my motherboard is affected. It fails to power up even after I put in a new PSU. So I guess there's nothing more I can do except to get a new PC. Should I build a new one with whatever parts I can salvage or should I buy a full system off the shelf? The Eee PC from Asus looks tempting since I mainly use my computer at home for emailing and surfing the Net. Any heavy-duty stuff like programming I can make use of my notebook from work (though I don't bring it home everyday).

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

JLPT 4 Revision - Degrees of Severity

たまに < ときどき < よく < いつも < ほとんど < ぜんぜん

あまり < めったに < ほとんど < ぜんぜん

Friday, November 2, 2007

F.I.R. 《月牙灣》

I was generating my playlists of music videos on YouTube when I realised I have a preference for pop music with an oriental flavour. My current favourite is F.I.R.'s 《月牙灣》(Feb 12, 2011: Video removed. Listen to it in player below. Apr 13, 2016: Replaced with new video.)

敦煌天空的沙粒 帶著我們的記憶
我從半路看回去 這情關漫漫好彎曲
夢想穿過了西域 包含了多少的禪意
愛情像一本遊記 我會找尋他的密語

*看 月牙彎下的淚光 在絲路之上被遺忘

◎是誰的心啊 孤單的留下 他還好嗎 我多想愛他
那永恆的淚 凝固的一句話 也許可能蒸發
是誰的愛呀 比淚水堅強 輕聲呼喚 就讓我融化
每一滴雨水 演化成我翅膀 向著我愛的人 追吧

夢想穿過了西域 包含了多少的禪意
愛情像一本遊記 我會找尋他的謎語

repeat *◎◎