Tuesday, November 27, 2007

JLPT 4 Revision - Question Words (5W1H)

Note: The original post in friendster blog has its image removed by the system hence I tried my best to recreate the content with whatever materials I have.

どれ = which
どこ = where
どちら = which (direction)
どの = which (item)
どんな = what (type)
どんなに = however
どう = how
何 = what
誰/どなた = who

なんの + noun = what kind of item
どうですか = how you feel
どうverbますか = how to do
どうしますか = what to do

何も + negative
何でも + positive
誰にも + negative
誰でも + positive
どこ[へ/に]も + negative
どこでも + positive

なにじん(何人)= which country's person
なんいん(何人)= how many people

1 Comment »

   1. どんな = which one among group

        James — December 1, 2007 @ 7:45 am