Friday, January 21, 2011

Hmm... missing pics on old blog posts

I was looking through my old blog posts on Friendster and I noticed that some of the images are not being displayed. Some images can still be found in the media library and I think it is just a matter of links gone wrong but there may be a few missing altogether. So can I still locate them and fix the problem? Hmm...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Looking for my long-lost friends

I was reading some of the old posts on my original blog when I came across one that I wrote about looking for a couple of friends I have lost contact decades ago. I am still looking, though I haven't really commit any resource into doing a proper search. Anyway, I have created a 寻人启事 page called 'Lost Connections' at the top and copied the blog post there so it can be displayed upfront.

I am praying hard that I can get to see them one of these days or at least know their whereabouts. A summary of the two friends I am trying to locate is as follows:

Name: Ms Lim Ah Ewe
Year Known: 1994
Relationship: Nurse who took care of me in NUH and later become my godsister
Last Contact: At hospital ward 76 in 1997

Name: Ms Yang Jiayi
Year Known: 1984
Relationship:  Classmate who was not afraid to befriend someone on a wheelchair
Last Contact: Woodlands Primary School's Primary 2A in 1984


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blogger doesn't allow editing of comments!

Alamak! My original blog hosted on Friendster is running out of storage space and I thought Blogger will be a good place to migrate my blog to. But it was only when I am a quarter way through with the moving of individual posts that I found out about this big blogger limitation: No editing of comments copied over!

So now I am pretty much stuck with the migration and I see no alternatives but to retain my old blog and use this new one for archiving whatever I have shifted over. Let this be a lesson for me to remember to do more research next time before committing to any new application. Try it out first, duh!