Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mavericks killed my Wi-Fi?

Cross posted from the Projapps Propaganda

It has been more than two weeks since I upgraded from Mountain Lion to Mavericks on my old MacBook Pro. It is also more than two weeks since the upgrade broke my Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi actually worked for a while before it went dead. A subsequent reboot resulted in the indicator showing "Wi-Fi: No hardware installed".
I have tried all the advices and solutions I could google. I tried anything from resetting the SMC/NVRAM/PRAM to doing a clean reinstall of the operating systems. Downgrading to Mountain Lion or using a USB network adapter did not help too. These had me thinking whether Mavericks had killed my Wi-Fi or my Wi-Fi is no longer supported with any device driver. Maybe it's the VirtualBox update I did but highly unlikely since I reinstalled...
Hence in comes the TL-WR702N by TP-LINK, a 150Mbps wireless N portable router. My friend happened to have one on hand so we gave its client mode a try. The client mode allows the router to be connected to another device via Ethernet core and acts as an adapter to send/receive the wireless signal from a wireless network.
It worked! Therefore I went out to get myself one for S$34. It is supposed to be a stopgap fix but with no solution in sight, apart from buying a new MacBook, I think I may have to carry the router around with me for good.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Long overdue update

Wow, it has been so...... long since I last updated this blog. My last post is in 9th February! Anyway, there isn't much to write about between then and now, with most of what had happened to me or what I had done recorded in other websites and social networks. So here is a summary of my 20130209 - 20131113 life.

Firstly, I took a trip to Hong Kong for the BlackBerry Jam Asia, courtesy of Research In Motion Limited, the company that gives us the new BlackBerry OS 10 platform to develop on. My friend and I were there as developers hoping to learn more as well as being representatives to an application we were to showcase. So how was the trip? You can read about it here.

Secondly, just for the fun of it, I have also gotten two certifications along the way of self-improvement:

  1. YouTube Digital Citizenship
  2. Certified Ethical Hacker v8
The plan now is to continue on to getting the ECSA...