Friday, October 22, 2004

Busy busy busy!

Wow, it has been such a long time since I last updated this journal. I was so bogged down by mid-terms, assignments, projects, and other miscellaneous programming. I was so drained every day that I didn't feel like staying in front of the computer any longer. Now things are slightly better. I can concentrate on just a few things and not a whole bunch of things as before. I shall be able to devote my time to the two school projects and start revising the materials I didn't manage to understand before the mid-terms. Basically, it is just a big stack of research papers to read.

Listening to the music by Bond called "Explosive". Very lively...

Monday, October 4, 2004

Apology Forthcoming?

How usually does one react when someone offended him/her with words? For me, I will wait a couple of days for an apology before commenting, in case I aggreviate the problem more than I should have. However, it has been about five days since the Taiwan Foreign Minister insulted Singapore and yet no apology has came from him. It's totally unacceptable, with him being a person of an important position. So Singapore should demand an apology which is only right. But then again, Singapore should not go into a war of words with him or his government. That will just be degrading ourselves to his level. So now I just feel pity for the people of Taiwan. I am so sorry that they have such a person representing them to the world. And my sorry is definitely not an apology :)

Saturday, October 2, 2004

Test, Taxi Drivers, and Joi

What a horrible mid-term test I had this morning. There was so much mathematical computations to be done with the equations so long that I kept losing track of my calculations halfway through my writing down of the equations. Oh well, guess my brain isn't as good as before when it comes to mathematics.

Anyway, I want to give thanx to two taxi-drivers today. They didn't charge me any fares. Though the distances I travelled were short, they still worth considerable amounts. These were on top of having to help me deal with my wheelchair. I am sorry I didn't take note of the licence numbers. So I just want to say a big thank you to you.

Anyway, I finally have time and money to get my hands on the new album "日出 (Rì Chū)" by Joi 蔡淳佳 (Cài Chún Jiā). The album and her singing are definitely under-rated. Hope the music company can promote her seriously to other regions outside of Singapore. Listen to her songs at Music Street.