Saturday, October 2, 2004

Test, Taxi Drivers, and Joi

What a horrible mid-term test I had this morning. There was so much mathematical computations to be done with the equations so long that I kept losing track of my calculations halfway through my writing down of the equations. Oh well, guess my brain isn't as good as before when it comes to mathematics.

Anyway, I want to give thanx to two taxi-drivers today. They didn't charge me any fares. Though the distances I travelled were short, they still worth considerable amounts. These were on top of having to help me deal with my wheelchair. I am sorry I didn't take note of the licence numbers. So I just want to say a big thank you to you.

Anyway, I finally have time and money to get my hands on the new album "日出 (Rì Chū)" by Joi 蔡淳佳 (Cài Chún Jiā). The album and her singing are definitely under-rated. Hope the music company can promote her seriously to other regions outside of Singapore. Listen to her songs at Music Street.