Friday, December 31, 2004

New Year's Eve

On the last day of the year, I just wish to give myself a small pat on the back as I have accomplished quite a few targets I have set for myself at the start of the year. For one, I am able to write this journal till now, thus fulfilling one of my new year resolutions set at the first day of this year.

The year 2004 has been an eventful year. A lot of events has happened that affect on personal, social, national and international levels. Unfortunately, most of these events had been bad and sad. Therefore, I want to make a wish that the coming year can be peaceful, prosperous, and caring.

Though I will be wishing everyone a happy new year, I know I won't be really happy due to a couple of things that will be happening on the 1st of January. Then, my alma matars (high school and junior college) will merge into one. The merged entity will carry a new name, a name which I absolutely detest. Singapore's age of having two television stations will come to an end after just 4 short years. MediaWorks will be absorbed by MediaCorp. Just two words: "Merger sucks" :(

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Help Tsunami Victims

The result for my final two modules is out. I am given 2 B's, a result much better than I have expected. This effectively brought my C.A.P. score to 3.20 and with that, I met the requirement for graduation. I can now celebrate my attaining of a master's degree.

The massive earthquake (9.0 on the Richter scale) off the island of Sumatra, Indonesia and the tsunamis (tidal waves) subsequently triggered by it have so far claimed almost 70,000 lives. The whole world is now conducting the biggest relief effort ever to help the affected countries and their people. Let's hope that help can reach the victims in time and the death toll can be kept to the minimum by preventing diseases from killing more people.

Anyone who wishes to make a donation to help the people, please refer to here for more information.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Sydney, Australia --> Singapore

Touched down at the Changi Airport at 1:15pm. Home sweet home! I wished to thank my aunts here for their sponsoring of my share of the trip. They also paid for the expenses we all incurred during the trip. Thank you very much! Once again, some of the photos of our trip are located here.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Sydney, Australia

This day would be our last day here. We were scheduled to fly back to Singapore in the evening. After checking out of the hotel, we spent the earlier half of the day at the Australia National Maritime Museum. For the later half, my aunts made a final assualt at the supermarket Woolsworth while my cousin and I lingered in Kinokuniya.

When we were preparing ourselves to check-in at the airport, we were informed that our flight was canceled due to a technical fault. How amazing! Now we got to stay in Sydney for another night just like that. Qantas was also wonderful to place us in a very nice hotel near the airport so we could catch the same flight early morning home.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Sydney, Australia

My brother and his girlfriend drove back to Canberra the previous day. Hence it's back to mono-rail, light-rail, and more walking for us. In the morning, we went back to Chinatown and got ourselves some bargains for family and friends back home at Paddy's Market. Then one of my aunts suggested we go to the outskirts of Sydney to a residential area called the Glebe. The place hadn't much to see though we got to see the houses people there lived in. We left shortly after having lunch. For the rest of the afternoon, we were at the Sydney Aquarium and around Darling Harbour.

For photos of our trip, please click here.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Canberra --> Sydney, Australia

On the return trip back to Sydney, we travelled on the coastal road rather than using the freeway to head back directly. By driving along the coastline, we were able to pass through small towns such as Kiama. The view we got to see was fabulous. We stopped at a place called Batemans Bay, about 2hrs out of Canberra. Upon arrival, I was greeted with gifts by the seagulls and pelicans. They shitted on me! What luck. Anyway, Batemans Bay was a scenic place. After lunch, we drove for another 2.5hrs to reach Sydney.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Canberra, Australia

Today, my brother would attend his graduation ceremony in the morning at the Parliament House. He had been studying at the University of Canberra for a year and a half. The main purpose of this trip was to attend his graduation ceremony.

We spent the early part of the night at the Telstra Tower. It was one of Canberra's landmarks though the tower belonged to the telecommunication company Telstra. It was opened to the public for getting a view of the city.

It was the last night we were going to spend in Canberra so we purposely made a trip to the open grounds within my brother's university campus one last time in hope of spotting some kangaroos. We were hoping they would come out in the cool night air and sure enough, my cousin was not disappointed. There were a group of about 9 kangaroos hopping around the carparks and the open ground behind my brother's girlfriend's residence. Finally, my brother's claim on the abundance of kangaroos he got to see during his stay there was proven true. However, wild kangaroos weren't cute. In fact, they were sort of evil-looking, especially at night.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Canberra, Australia

My aunts did a bit more shopping in the morning and early afternoon. I wasn't into shopping much though I managed to pick up a couple of T-shirts. We were at the Australian War Memorial next, viewing the exhibits that reminded people of the atrocities of war. We were in time to catch the closing ceremony of the memorial for the day. For dinner, my brother brought us to the restaurant Hog's Breath and Goodberry's Ice Cream. Hog's Breath is one eating place that I highly recommend that any visitor to Canberra should go.

No kangaroos were spotted today and my little cousin, Joshua (9), was very disappointed. We guessed that they only come out at night.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Sydney --> Canberra, Australia

We took almost 3.5hrs to travel 400+km from Sydney to Canberra, passing through Wollongong where we had a pit-stop. Wollongong could be considered a small town with houses not more than three storeys tall. Too bad we weren't able to take photos of the place as we met with rain once again.

Canberra was still quite chilling despite it being summer. By the time we reached Canberra, it was late afternoon. My brother drove us up Mount Ainslie for a full view of the capital. It was simply beautiful. The city was really tranquil. Then it's off to a walkabout in the night near our motel.

Spotted: One wild kangaroo. Didn't see more today as the weather was considered too warm for the kangaroos to come down from higher grounds.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Sydney, Australia

There was one thing we discovered in Sydney that sort of messed up our senses and that was that the taxis there looked very much like police cars.
Trust me, this is a taxi...
Now this is a police car...

My brother drove all the way up from Canberra to meet us. With a car, we were able to visit the Opera House, The Rock's, and Star City Casino. However, we were unfamiliar with the roads and actually took a wrong turn while heading back to our hotel. We crossed the Harbour Bridge and almost got ourselves lost in northern Sydney. Thus we have a piece of advice (which a guy in our hotel gave us too but we didn't take) for tourists going to Sydney: never drive in the inner city. With its horrible layout of one-way streets and terrible traffic flows, walking was faster than driving at times.

More photos from our trip can be found here.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Sydney, Australia

We took the subway from the Central Station to Circular Quay to catch a glimpse of the Harbour Bridge before walking down Pitt Street to the Sydney Tower for a Sky Tour. From the tower we were able to have a panoramic view of the city.

Before testing out the monorail, we embarked on a walkabout in the uptown area. We took an extended route to the Town Hall by going down the Elizabeth Street besides Hyde Park before making a turn back to the center of the inner city. It was certainly one walk. By the time we reached Chinatown after a walk from the monorail station, none of us wanted to go any further. However, there was still the issue of going back to the hotel. We decided to try a third mode of transport, the tram, to go back to the Central Station (not realising that the distance from where we were to the hotel was about the same as the distance between the station and hotel).

Travelling on the sidewalks and three modes of public transport was interesting but no small feat, considering I was in a wheelchair throughout the trip. But Sydney was really a handicapped-friendly city which allowed me great mobility to access the sights. I didn't encounter much difficulty. And by travelling the routes we desired at every turn of the roads enabled us to see more than we expected we could if following a guided tour.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Singapore --> Sydney, Australia

After around 7hrs of flying over 6485km, we reached Sydney at around 6pm. It was raining heavily and we encountered quite a hassle while being transported to our hotel. With all the shops closed and the unfamiliar surroundings in darkness, we dared not venture far from the hotel. The farthest we went was down the street to the only shop that was opened, 7-11. Oh well, the best thing to do was to sleep well for the next day.

Thursday, December 9, 2004

Australia, here I come!

Tomorrow I will be flying to Australia for a one-week vacation :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2004


I watched the movie "Alexander" yesterday and all I have to say is that it's a disturbing movie about a disturbed man. However, it did nothing to strip away the greatness of one of the greatest conquerors but at the same time not showing the historical importance of him and his conquests. Oliver Stone did not do well enough for this film. This movie is of an average standard that can hardly be compared to films like "Braveheart" and "The Gladiator".

Monday, November 29, 2004

S.H.E does it again!

Their new album is really nice, with so much variety in the songs they sing. I have to say that they have improved since their last album but even if you don't like them, you should go for the songs as they are catchy.
(Picture courtesy of the official S.H.E website)

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Justine 生日快乐!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to Justine!
Happy birthday to you!

Friday, November 26, 2004

All Over!

My two exams just flew past me yesterday and the day before. Hahaha, actually, that is not a true statement. I had a hard time preparing for them and I didn't do well enough. :(

The first paper was okay but I think I performed below par. The second was extremely difficult (at least that is what I think). Now I am really not confident of clearing my modules high enough to graduate...

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Francine 生日快乐!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to Francine!
Happy birthday to you!

Friday, October 22, 2004

Busy busy busy!

Wow, it has been such a long time since I last updated this journal. I was so bogged down by mid-terms, assignments, projects, and other miscellaneous programming. I was so drained every day that I didn't feel like staying in front of the computer any longer. Now things are slightly better. I can concentrate on just a few things and not a whole bunch of things as before. I shall be able to devote my time to the two school projects and start revising the materials I didn't manage to understand before the mid-terms. Basically, it is just a big stack of research papers to read.

Listening to the music by Bond called "Explosive". Very lively...

Monday, October 4, 2004

Apology Forthcoming?

How usually does one react when someone offended him/her with words? For me, I will wait a couple of days for an apology before commenting, in case I aggreviate the problem more than I should have. However, it has been about five days since the Taiwan Foreign Minister insulted Singapore and yet no apology has came from him. It's totally unacceptable, with him being a person of an important position. So Singapore should demand an apology which is only right. But then again, Singapore should not go into a war of words with him or his government. That will just be degrading ourselves to his level. So now I just feel pity for the people of Taiwan. I am so sorry that they have such a person representing them to the world. And my sorry is definitely not an apology :)

Saturday, October 2, 2004

Test, Taxi Drivers, and Joi

What a horrible mid-term test I had this morning. There was so much mathematical computations to be done with the equations so long that I kept losing track of my calculations halfway through my writing down of the equations. Oh well, guess my brain isn't as good as before when it comes to mathematics.

Anyway, I want to give thanx to two taxi-drivers today. They didn't charge me any fares. Though the distances I travelled were short, they still worth considerable amounts. These were on top of having to help me deal with my wheelchair. I am sorry I didn't take note of the licence numbers. So I just want to say a big thank you to you.

Anyway, I finally have time and money to get my hands on the new album "日出 (Rì Chū)" by Joi 蔡淳佳 (Cài Chún Jiā). The album and her singing are definitely under-rated. Hope the music company can promote her seriously to other regions outside of Singapore. Listen to her songs at Music Street.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Meeting with Principal of my Alma Mater

Yesterday I was back at my alma mater for the Mid-Autumn Festival celebration as well as to hand in the online petition I helped to start to the principal. There was another guy accompanying me and I was grateful for his support. You know lah, Singaporeans are good at complaining but when it comes to making their statements official in front of people, constraints will start popping up. However, I understand the reasons behind the reluctance in showing up but I was still disappointed nonetheless.

In the end, the two of us ended up in a conference room facing the principal, chairperson of the school board, and the chairperson of the alumni association. They gave a considerable amount of explanations as to why the schools have to merged, why the choices of the school name for voting, why the need of having to use a single unique school name and removal of the current school crest, etc. It seemed so logical at that time but it is always the case of now and then. After we left the room and on our way home, we felt that we are still not entirely convinced, especially on the point on the removal of the crest.

Anyway, we agreed that all we want is for the best of the school and shall work together towards that goal in the future, not to cause any negative publicity for the school. Having said that, what more can I do? I really wish I can do that something extra to at least help fulfill part of the wish all alumni and students have...

Monday, September 13, 2004


Wow, I have been real busy reading notes and papers as well as working on my assignments and projects. Hence I don't have time to actually sit down to think and write in here. Besides, I don't have anything special happening to me to write about or something which I have comments on. However, one has to have a bit of fun even if one is busy and writing nonsense here is quite fun (next to gaming on my brother's X-Box). I also found some time to admire pictures of a pretty girl I chanced upon :p

Picture of 高湘君 (Gāo Xiāng Jūn) courtesy of

Monday, August 23, 2004

Olympics: Table Tennis

Singapore's top table tennis player Li Jiawei lost both the semi-final and bronze medal playoff matches. Once again, Singapore is without her first Olympics medal since 1960. So close and yet so far. Well, Li Jiawei played admirably. She worked hard and played her best. All she lacked was a bit of luck. Hope she recovers from the losses and tries her best again 4 years later.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Spam? Scam?

Once again, annually without fail, Reader's Digest has sent me a letter notifying me that I have been the selected few that are eligible for their S$125,000 sweepstakes. Then they will always send me a reply form to ask me to subscribe to their magazines. It seems that I will never win anything if my reply is 'no'. Come to think of it, I never heard of any winners being announced so far. Is this form of publicity and advertising legal? Don't the relevant authorities look into such things?

Saturday, August 7, 2004

Poor Lizard...

A story:
I went to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a drink. Just as I was at the entrance of the kitchen, I heard a crackling sound. I switched on the light and saw to my horror that my wheel-chair has ran over a small lizard. It was the lizard that always came out to roam around the house. I was sort of used to it roaming around that I never thought of it not getting out of our way. Guess I was wrong. Poor thing, it had its guts all spilled out.

Moral of the story:
Never come out in the dark to roam unless you have night vision.

News Flash:
Japan bt China 3-1 to win Asian Cup final.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

30th Anniversary of Hwa Chong Junior College

Today is the 30th Anniversary of Hwa Chong Junior College. It is also the last celebration for the school before the school goes into history after merging with The Chinese High School next year. A big carnival was held this morning which lasted till late afternoon for alumni to return 'home' and join in the celebration with the current students. The school logo is not going to be used anymore so I got myself some mementoes with the logo on them. I wish I could have bought more but I am without income presently so I can afford just a fraction of the items on sale. By buying more also means I could have raised more development funds for the school.

Monday, July 26, 2004


Brazil has won the Copa America. Now we just have to wait and see who wins the Asian Cup. This will complete the major tournaments of the various continents, though short of Africa.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

New Name for Merged School

My alma maters The Chinese High School and Hwa Chong Junior College will merge into a single school next year. I attended the voting of thenew school name today but unfortunately, my choice had been out-voted. The new school will be known in English as Hwa Chong Institution while the Chinese name is 华侨中学 (Huá Qiáo Zhōng Xué), name of The Chinese High School. I find the Chinese name especially unsuitable as the merged school is no longer a secondary or middle school. It is more of a college. Hence I voted for the choice of a name reflecting it. Too bad my choice was not the choice of the majority. I am both very angry and sad right now and am mourning the loss of HCJC forever.

Saturday, July 17, 2004


Ay, I have just replaced my PC's power supply box. I really dislike opening up my PC's casing as it is rusty and dirty. Too bad I don't have extra money to get a nicer casing. Oh well, as long as it is still usable, I will leave it alone and save up for a new notebook.

Monday, July 5, 2004

European Cup

YEAH! Greece has won the European Cup. They are the champions of Europe. Now that Euro 2004 is over, what's next? Copa America that is.

Sunday, July 4, 2004


Wow, the wedding I attended yesterday was like a mini reunion for the graduating class of 2000 as both the bride and groom have common friends with us as guests. It was so wonderful to able to see friends I miss dearly yet fail to make an effort in catching up. What's wrong with me? Why can't I just make the effort?

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Rented Apartment

My friend shifted apartments today. But her new rented place is full of small but irritating defects and is real dirty. She said the owner actually claimed that he had cleaned the place and the defects are no problems at all. May I ask the owner a few questions? Are you sure that a bed missing two legs is safe for sleeping? Are you willing to sleep on your words? You said the place had been cleaned but why is it that I wiped the cupboards with a white cloth and ended up with a black one? Why can't you at least be ethical when renting out your apartment?

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Euro 2004

Yes! Euro 2004 is finally starting today. Nothing beats soccer and beer :p

Monday, June 7, 2004


Just came back from a short road trip to Malacca of West Malaysia yesterday. It was a tiring journey as well as a boring one. There wasn't really much to see and do in Malacca except the old buildings with historical values. It was even difficult to buy any souvenirs that were representative of the place. One thing I did enjoy was that the food were delicious.

Thursday, June 3, 2004

"The Da Vinci Code"

Finished the book "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown today. It is an amazing read. I am eagerly anticipating the sequel and is positive that it will be just as good.

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Wonderful Outing

What a wonderful evening I had! A big bunch of us actually pulled off a dinner-cum-movie outing without too much of a glitch. The organisation was as smooth as it could have been. Thanks to everyone for going. It is so nice to be able to meet up with you people. And Shrek 2 is an excellent movie. Kudos to the animators for coming up with the character Puss-in-boots.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


My results are out today. I know I have made a resolution to not see any C+ on my result slip this year but it is not to be. I have gotten one B+ and two C+, bringing my CAP score down to 3.125. This is a precarious situation for me as I have to maintain a CAP of 3.0 in order to graduate... Argh... Have to work harder...

By the way, Geylang United and Home United have qualify for the quarter-finals of the AFC Cup...

Monday, May 17, 2004


F.I.R. - Fei Er Yue Tuan is seriously one good new band from Taiwan. Similar to D.A.I. - Do As Infinity of Japan, they perform great sounds with a nice female vocal. Recommend that you give them a try.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Wallet 'burns big holes'

Wow, I had missed writing this journal for last week. I am really getting lazy. Oh well, a good book is hard to put down and there is no greater joy than hiding behind a good book on slow afternoons. It is also better for my health to stay away from the computer more often :p

It is confirmed. I am invited and will be attending the 4th wedding of 2004. Looks like I am booked for the 23 and 27 May, and 3 July. Though I like such happy occasions, they are going to 'burn big holes' in my wallet. Guess I really need to find a job fast seriously. Oh well, at least being invited goes to show that I am still of some importance to them. They are my good friends and I am truly honored to be able to share their happiness :D

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Job Interview

Just went for a job interview yesterday. Don't look promising for me. Oh well, keep on looking...

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Project Report

The report for my second project has been submitted at last. I have to thank my project group-mates Liming and Pasha. Without them, it wouldn't be possible for the project to be completed.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

First Project of the Semester

Finally has gotten over with the first project. Not too bad but not good either. Now for the second one...

Friday, April 16, 2004

Two Down

Two papers down and now, continue my struggle on my projects...

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Friday, April 2, 2004

What to do?

What to do? What to do? What to do with a project you don't know how to do...?

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Need To Sleep

Yeah, it's almost 2am and I managed to finish an assignment ahead of schedule (though by not much). Next up, CS6241 project after some sleep.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Final Stretch

Okay, it is almost the final stretch of this semester. I have one more assignment, two projects and two exams to go. Praying hard that everything goes fine...

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

No Sleep

Finally, I managed to finish what I had set out to do this morning at 7. I had not slept during the night but managed to catch some ZZZ after that :)

Now I will start on the next part of my schedule. I need to consolidate my friend's part of the paper with mine to produce the first draft. Then I will move on to my other project...

Saturday, March 20, 2004


Another week has gone by, which means all my deadlines and exams are getting closer by the minute. Can I make it?

What have I done today so far? Managed to get Cygwin running but not the NS2 yet. Better get it up and running by the end of the day. Writing the introduction of my project paper before working on my assignment...

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Depressed and Demoralized

I am feeling very depressed and demoralized right now... My course module's project sucks big time and I have not a clue as to how to continue with it. Oh dear!! Will I get to see the light at the end of the tunnel this time???

Saturday, March 6, 2004

Old Friends' Wedding

Just came back from the wedding dinner whereby the couple having been my friends for more than 10 years. Met a few other friends that I missed very much after so many years without contacting each other.

A wedding is such a joyous event and I am happy for the newly-weds but yet I am feeling a bit sad, a sense of apprehension that time really flies. It seems like yesterday that we were singing without a care on the same island 10 years ago. The feeling of being old is all the more obvious with friends around me getting married and having little ones. All of a sudden, a sense of loneliness seems to have crept into my heart...

Friday, March 5, 2004


I have gotten a not-too-bad grade for one of my mid-term papers but I am sure the other one sucks :)

Tomorrow is a friend's wedding. At Sentosa... a rather expensive affair I presume. Gotta spend a Saturday away from bed again :p

Oops, forgot to give a senior of mine a call again. Too late for today. Hope I can remember on Sunday...

Saturday, February 28, 2004

What a hell of a week!

Two mid-terms plus an assignment had made my brain kinda dead down. I am struggling to think even as I am writing this. The next things to worry are an animation assignment, a homework assignment and a project...

I have happened to meet an old acquaintance of mine while waiting for transport a couple of times in as many weeks. From her I have gotten news and contacts of another two friends.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Yesterday was a day of misses...

I was traveling home on the MRT and I happened to chance upon a cute girl. When she happened to turn and face me, I gave her a smile. She returned me one of the more charming smile I have ever seen on people. That was a rare thing to receive on a train as Singapore commuters tend to put on 'dead' faces when in crowded environments. (I think even it's not crowded...) What is more incredible is that she flashed her that smile at me again after some time! The unbelievable finale to the whole encounter is that we waved good-bye to each other while she alighted.

It took me a while before the reality sank in. I had just missed a perfectly good opportunity to get to know her, a nice girl with a smile to match. Sure the train was crowded at that time, making conversations virtually impossible but I had pen and paper in front of me! (Okay, the pen and paper is in my bag but my bag is in front of me.) I could have slipped her a note asking for her contact number. What a waste of a God-given chance!

So now all I wanted to say to the girl who alighted at the Choa Chu Kang station (damn, can't remember the time) is:

"If you happen to see this journal entry, please give me an email -> , I really wish to know you."

Yesterday was also the day my brother flew back to Australia for school. Guess I will miss his sarcastic remarks :)

Thursday, February 12, 2004

A Home United Win

Yes! Home United of Singapore has beaten Happy Valley from Hong Kong 5-1 in the inaugural AFC Cup. It was a wonderful match for the fans.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

A Geylang United Loss

Ay... Geylang United lost to East Bengal yesterday. What a farce! Can't even win on home ground to make the country proud. Oh well, just have to see how Home United fare against Happy Valley. (For more info, click here.)

Sunday, February 1, 2004

'jiao zi'-making session

It has been a wonderful day and I am really happy. My close friends from my undergraduate days came over and we had a 'jiao zi'-making session. Nothing beats a nice reunion.

Saturday, January 31, 2004


I went to an ex-colleague's home today to meet up with some of the friends I knew while I was working. It's nice to have a gathering of this sort to catch up with one another. Too bad not all the people I want to see were there. Wish all of them the best in whatever they do and hopefully we can see each other again soon. Thanx for everything.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Thursday, January 29, 2004

After CNY break

Well, a new week of lectures and tutorial started after the Chinese New Year break. I am completely drained of energy and have yet to recover. Now I am having problems concentrating in class. Hope I can get through this week...

Friday, January 23, 2004

Tiring Chinese New Year

Oh...spending the Chinese New Year is one hell of a tiring affair. Visiting people whom you have not met for a whole year and entertaining each other can be very physically draining. The more difficult problem arises when all the necessary courtesy is exchanged and all the updates are complete. There are simply no more topics to talk about. Or rather, I can't think of any suitable subjects that you won't make a mistake in giving an inappropriate remark.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Chinese New Year's Eve

It's new year's eve and I actually woke up at close to noon :p

I was up till dawn doing some reading but if you ask me what I read and how much I absorbed, I can't give you a definite answer. This is what I called 'time wasted'. Well, the next two days will be hectic and away from home most of the time. I guess there goes my plan of studying for my assignment due soon. I have yet to nail down the area and scope of my mini project too.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Three more days to Chinese New Year

Let me wish all the readers of this page a Happy Chinese New Year! As all my classes fall on the two new year holidays, I don't have to go to school this week. I am very happy to have such a long break but I hate to think of all the make-up lectures possibly being arranged into the same week as the other lectures. Anyway, I will make use of the break to do more reading.

Friday, January 16, 2004

My Computer

Alright, my computer is back in business. Well, at least partially as I am still in the midst of installing a lot of stuff. One of the Windows patch doesn't seem to be updating... Hopefully I can get everything I need to be working properly over the weekend.

Oh, one more event I should have wrote down if not for my computer being down (relax, not with SARS though). The top 3 choices of my module selection has been allocated and I will be reading them.

Monday, January 12, 2004

No Luck

Luck doesn't seemed to be on my side these few days. I tried to upgrade my own computer with the old parts my brother salvaged from his PC as well as other old computers but a problem was encountered which I have no solution for.

When I finished the installation process for Windows 2000, it refuse to boot. My guess is that the motherboard or its settings are not compatible with the OS but I can't figure out what is wrong. What am I suppose to do right now?

Friday, January 9, 2004

Module Selection

One more introductory lecture to go before having to finalise my decision on the modules to take. So far my initial rank-list of modules still stand. As for the contention of whether to take CS6241 or CS5233, I will let Heavens decide. According to the statistics, CS6241 may not have enough students to start the class. If that is the case, CS5233 will automatically be my last module.

I think I better go and pray that Heavens make the right decision and give me the module most-suited.

Monday, January 5, 2004

New School Term

School opens officially today with a whole bunch of introductory lectures. The lectures are meant for us to select our modules we want to study for this semester and boy am I lost. I really don't know which modules to choose. The ones that I am interested looks very tough and I am not confident of passing while the ones that are reputated to be easy don't appeal to me :(

I have always been interested in studying computer graphics but the module offered looks to be out of my league. Should I sacrifice my love for a module which is of a more suitable difficulty? Oh well, I have up to the 11th to decide so let's hope that some divine interventions come in time to help me decide :p

For now, all I can say is that one module did attract me somewhat and it is definitely in the contention for one of the three modules I need :)

Thursday, January 1, 2004

New Year's Resolutions

I still don't get it. I still don't understand what's the deal in writing a online journal or blog. I had tried to keep a diary a long time ago but gave up in a very short time. I just don't have the heart to open up and put down my feelings or opinions in words. Well, at least not publicly...

Then why the hell am I writing this? For one, my friend told me that it is a good way to maintain my English writing skills (not that I have a high level of skill to maintain in the first place). Anyway, I intend to give this journal-writing thingy a final shot and see how long I can last before I am defeated. Maybe I can put this down as one of my New Year's resolutions...

Before I continue with this entry and list my New Year's resolutions, allow me to do a re-cap of last year. The most important thing that had happened must be my decision to quit a stable and rather
well-paid job to go back to school. Now I am a post-grad student in the School of Computing in the National University of Singapore, just managed to scrap through my first semester. Hope I can do much better in the coming semester...

Now for my New Year's resolutions:

  • No more C+ or anything less in my result slip.
  • See this online journal through the year.

  • Oops, can't think of any other resolutions liao...