Wednesday, October 27, 2010

To all the angels that helped me during my trip...

My trip to Switzerland alone sounded like a stupid idea and to a certain extent it still does sound like an unwise decision. On hindsight, a hundred and one things could have gone wrong and without proper and sometimes no planning, I could have been stranded in the cold without accommodation and transport.

However, my trip has been blessed to such an extent that there were guardian angels at every turn that I encountered difficulty. Without them, I don't think I could even last three days. Hence I want to show my appreciation here and say a very big Thank You!
  1. Mr Ernesto Romer and his colleague of Palazzo Basel
  2. Ms Cartia
  3. Mr Wirz
  4. Samuel and Martina of Basel Youth Hostel
  5. Sarah T of Geneva Youth Hostel
  6. Mr Guido Brunner and Mr Arnold of TK066 from Istanbul to Singapore
And also many thanks to all the people who helped me with the trams, buses, slopes and directions.